Sistema integrado de gestión.


At Corporación Aceros Arequipa and subsidiaries, a leading company in the steel sector, occupational health and safety, environmental protection and the quality of our products and services are fundamental elements for the sustainable development of our processes, complying with our internal codes and guidelines, which contribute in an ethical and transparent manner to the development of a society in which values and respect for people and our environment prevail.

Keeping in mind the needs of our stakeholders, we are committed to:

  1. Persevering in the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of our integrated management system for quality, environmental, occupational health and safety, and our anti-bribery and other crimes management system.

  2. Seeking permanently cost reduction in our processes.

  3. Increasing the satisfaction of our internal and external clients.

  4. Establishing mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers.

  1. Establishing and periodically reviewing quality, environmental, occupational health and safety, and anti-bribery and other crime management objectives to ensure compliance with our Policy.

  2. Promoting a work environment that fosters the development and well-being of our employees, recognizing their achievements and contributions.

  3. Ensuring the participation and consultation of employees in the elements of the occupational health and safety management system.

  4. Eliminating hazards and/or reducing occupational health and safety risks in our activities, to protect the safety and health of all employees by preventing accidents, incidents, and work-related illnesses.

  5. Preventing, controlling, and mitigating environmental pollution.

  6. Complying with current legal regulations applicable to quality, environment, occupational health and safety, and anti-bribery and other crimes management, in addition to other commitments voluntarily adopted by the company.

  7. Maintaining good relationships with and respect for the communities.

  8. Prohibiting and punishing any act of bribery and other crimes. In case of non-compliance with this policy, the codes of conduct, or other internal policies, the corresponding disciplinary measures will be applied, in accordance with the company's Internal Labor Regulations.

  9. Promoting compliance with the requirements applicable to the anti-bribery and other crimes management system.

  10. Complying with mechanisms to inform, report, and address complaints in good faith, and based on a reasonable belief, about any act that violates our code of ethics, code against acts of fraud or internal rules, ensuring the confidentiality and protection of the complainant against any act of retaliation, threat, or coercion.

  11. Complying with the governance principles assigned to the Prevention Officer, whose role enjoys Independence and authority.


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