Tools Line.
Meta description

Aceros Arequipa Perú. TOOLS LINE. In Aceros Arequipa we offer tools and hardware items such as saw blades - Wincha or metric tapes, industrial brushes, among other products.

Titulo seo peru
Herramientas y Artículos de Ferretería | Aceros Arequipa Perú
metadescripcion colombia

Aceros Arequipa Colombia.TOOLS LINE. In Aceros Arequipa we offer tools and hardware items such as saw blades - Wincha or metric tapes, industrial brushes, among other products.

metadescripcion bolivia

Aceros Arequipa Bolivia. TOOLS LINE. In Aceros Arequipa we offer tools and hardware items such as saw blades - Wincha or metric tapes, industrial brushes, among other products.

Bimetal Saw Blade

Submitted by on Tue, 07/04/2020 - 04:31

Bimetallic Manual Saw Blade, consisting of a super fast steel cutting belt welded to a flexible spring steel base.

The distance from the tip of the tooth to the interface of the weld must be a minimum of 1 mm and the body of the tooth must not reach the interface of the weld.


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