Nazca Pro 7018.
Submitted by on Thu, 23/02/2023 - 20:13

Low hydrogen basic electrode with excellent weldability characteristics, reliable for general applications
and demanding for structural steels or low carbon steels. NAZCA PRO 7018 is an electrode for any position that offers a stable and smooth arc with reliable and homogeneous mechanical properties. Ideal for all the welds you have to perform, from the first pass, in joints with a backing pass, to the filling regardless of the thickness or welding conditions of the job. It has low moisture absorption.


Low hydrogen basic electrode with excellent weldability characteristics, reliable for general applications
and demanding for structural steels or low carbon steels. NAZCA PRO 7018 is an electrode for any position that offers a stable and smooth arc with reliable and homogeneous mechanical properties. Ideal for all the welds you have to perform, from the first pass, in joints with a backing pass, to the filling regardless of the thickness or welding conditions of the job. It has low moisture absorption.

ASME-SFA 5.1 / AWS A5.1: E7018

25 kg boxes


Civil Construction, Energy, Industrial Applications and General Manufacturing, Heavy and Light Metalworking, Shipyards and Offshore.

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ASME-SFA 5.1 / AWS A5.1: E7018

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