Lima, 28de junio de 2024.- El CADE Universitario 2024, reconocido como uno de los más importantes eventos para los estudiantes peruanos, se realizará del 26 al 28 de junio en la Escuela Naval del Perú, en El Callao. Este foro reunirá a más de 500 jóvenes de universidades e institutos, públicos y privados a nivel nacional, con el propósito de promover la acción e interés de los jóvenes para aportar al desarrollo del país.
Sin duda, se trata de un espacio que promueve la conversación y el intercambio de ideas con líderes de otras generaciones que hacen parte de organizaciones públicas y del sector privado. A propósito de ello, CAASA (Corporación Aceros Arequipa) reafirma su compromiso con el desarrollo de la educación y el talento de la juventud peruana al auspiciar la participación de cinco jóvenes estudiantes en el CADE Universitario 2024, incluyendo gastos por traslado, alimentación, alojamiento y requerimientos del programa.
“Nos sentimos felices de seguir apoyando el desarrollo de la educación en el Perú. Desde CAASA realizamos cada vez más iniciativas que promueven la generación de valor compartido en escolares y universitarios. Continuaremos cumpliendo nuestro compromiso con el futuro de nuestro país a través de los jóvenes” recalcó Tulio Silgado, CEO de CAASA.
Los cinco jóvenes seleccionados, pertenecientes al tercio superior del último año académico de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, tendrán la oportunidad de participar en un evento que se extiende por tres días y que incluye presentaciones y paneles con expertos, el Taller Ikigai y el Desafío CADE Universitario, así como espacios de intercambio con líderes destacados. Cabe destacar que del grupo de estudiantes, cuatro son mujeres y uno es hombre. En cuanto a su avance académico, dos de ellos cursan el 8vo ciclo, uno el 9no ciclo y dos el 10mo ciclo.
Además, los participantes interactuarán con otros universitarios de diversas regiones del Perú, lo que enriquecerá su comprensión de la realidad nacional y fortalecerá sus redes de contacto. Al finalizar el evento, recibirán un certificado de participación digital.
Sobre Aceros Arequipa
Fundada en 1964, Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. (CAASA) es la empresa siderúrgica peruana líder en la producción de acero, con una creciente presencia regional (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile y Estados Unidos). En 2023, los resultados consolidados alcanzaron los S/ 4,678 millones en ventas netas y S/ 499 millones de utilidad bruta. La compañía se posiciona en el quinto lugar de la industria del hierro y del acero a nivel mundial y ocupa el segundo lugar en la industria siderúrgica a nivel global. Forma parte de las únicas seis empresas peruanas que son incluidas dentro del prestigioso Índice de Sostenibilidad DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance, del S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2024, y logró ubicarse en las top empresas líderes ESG en el ranking Merco Responsabilidad ESG 2023.
Aceros Arequipa S.A. Corporation
Av. Antonio Miró Quesada
N.° 425, piso 17, Magdalena del Mar.
Carretera Panamericana Sur Km 229. Paracas. Pisco - Ica
Variante de Uchumayo Km 5.5, Cerro Colorado, Arequipa
Av. Tupac Amaru 1620 AA.HH. Alto Mochica II, la Esperanza, Trujillo
Sector Coscobamba, Carretera Piura - Paita S/N Lote 5A Piura - Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre
Aceros del Altiplano S.R.L. Corporation
Urb. Parque Industrial Latinoamericano, Unidad Industrial UI 06,Mz. 1, lote 4 - Warnes.
Calle E - Lote 14 manzano A-08 Urbanización Cervecería Boliviana Nacional - Bellavista Viacha.
Cra 25 #13 – 117
Parcelación Industrial la Y. Yumbo
Aceros Arequipa AA S.AS Corporation.
Barrio Ficas Delia Vía Durán Tampo KM. 8.5 Durán - Guayas - Ecuador
13838 Harllee Rd., Palmetto, FL 34221
+1 (941) 722-5566
2550 Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33713
+1 (727) 321-5878
In Aceros Arequipa S.A. (hereinafter, "Aceros Arequipa") we believe in the importance of communicating our ideas and do it in a transparent manner. so these terms will allow users of our website and / or any of our applications know the terms under which these services are used made available on our digital platform. By using the digital services made available by Aceros Arequipa, you accept the conditions described in this document and in the privacy policies, as well as in the other terms published in order to make you aware of your rights and duties when using any of these elements that we make available to you.
2. Aims and purpose.The purpose of our efforts developed on our digital platforms is to let you know the information to which you have access. This information is published and made available to you for your use under the conditions expressed in this document and the data that you authorize to use are all those that correspond to your personal data.
3. Use of our services.The services we make available to you must be used in good faith and in accordance with the following guidelines:
• They must be used properly and in good faith.
• You must only access our services using the user interfaces provided by our company.
• Any attempt to interfere with such services by any means is prohibited.
• If we detect manually or through the use of our electronic security systems that any user is attempting to use these services inappropriately, our company may block the user and deny access to them without restriction.
• The use of our platform does not make you the owner of any of the elements that make it up.
• All the elements that make up our services, whether they are configuration and/or programming codes, as well as the published content elements, are the property of Aceros Arequipa or of those who are authorized to use them by means of an agreement.
• None of our services should be used in any way that could infringe a current rule, or is contrary to morality or decency.
Some of the services provided on the digital platform may require the entry and therefore the delivery of personal data, before accessing them. In these cases you agree to provide truthful information or simply not use such services. In the event that you are required to create a username and password, you are responsible for your password and the proper care of it. Our company is not responsible for any action that may be taken using your password on our systems if you have failed to comply with this obligation.
We are respectful of the law and, therefore, of the protection of your personal information which is done in accordance with the provisions relating to the law 1581 of 2012, which corresponds to the protection and management of personal data. As well as all those rules that involve the development of the same. For more information related to the way in which Aceros Arequipa protects the information and personal data of users, you can enter the following link and view the privacy policies of the information: View cookie policies
5. Contents used.Our services make available to you a large amount of content in digital format, whether text, images, videos, or other content that we may deem appropriate to use. The ownership of the copyright published in any of these services belongs to Aceros Arequipa, its customers, suppliers or third parties that may have authorized us to use these contents.
Under no circumstances may any user appropriate, claim as their own or claim ownership of any of these contents. In case you consider that any of the contents published by us is violating any rule of copyright and / or industrial property you can use the comment system to let us know. The comment must have contact details and identification of the user in order to contact you and make the clarification to the claim filed.
6. Improvements and modifications.Aceros Arequipa constantly modifies and improves the characteristics of the services it provides on its digital platform. For this reason it is possible that some services may be modified over time and others may be restricted or even eliminated.
You may stop using any of our services at any time, just as we may modify or discontinue providing them.
7. Modification of these Terms and Conditions.Any modification, update or extension produced in these Terms and Conditions will be immediately published, being the responsibility of the User to review the Terms and Conditions in force at the time of navigation. The use by users of the site or Aceros Arequipa is considered as irrevocable acceptance of such revisions.
Date of last update: 27/08/2021.